Home Buyers: IGNORE These Home Elements

Home Buyers: IGNORE These Home Elements

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What Home Buyers Should & Should Not Focus On

Buying a new home is more than about what meets the eye. Most sellers will choose to remodel their home in order to let the buyer walk into a blank canvas; however, as home buyers you shouldn’t overlook a home because it isn’t remodeled to remove the current owner’s design aesthetic. While it may be difficult to look past the color palate inside, structural integrity is the key to buying a new home.

Here are 9 things home buyers should not take into consideration when looking for your new home.


  • While the inside might not be your style, older homes are usually able to last because they are built with quality materials. As long as there aren’t any structural issues, you shouldn’t dismiss the home based off interior decorating.
  • Newer homes aren’t always a safe bet either. New homes can often be sold for less because they were built with cheaper materials.


  • Painted walls are easy to change to your personal style.
  • Focus on the structure of the room, such as window placements. These are more difficult to change.


  • As with the paint, you shouldn’t discount the value of a home because of its dated wallpaper. Wallpaper can be removed or covered up, and shouldn’t be used as a deciding factor on whether or not to buy a home.

Old Kitchen Appliances

  • Kitchens are a major selling point in a home. Consider the size and layout of the kitchen instead of focusing on the appliances.
  • Appliances aren’t built to last forever, but they do last a long time. If the current owners haven’t updated the fridge or dishwasher in the last ten years, use this opportunity to get the appliances you would want in the kitchen.

Carpet or Hardwood Floors?

  • As with the paint and wallpaper, a room should be judged based on structure, not decorations and interior design.
  • There are numerous floor options available for you, in both carpet and hardwood floors, to help you get the look you want in each room.

Weird smells

  • Walking into a home and smelling what they had for dinner last night might not be the most attractive scent for you. Thankfully smells can be removed with a little bit of elbow grease (or air fresheners!).
  • However, if the smell is coming from mold and mildew, that would be an expensive fix and something to consider when deciding on a home.

Poor landscaping

  • If you drive up to the home and there is no obvious landscaping plan, consider this a chance to design your own yard.
  • Make the house your home by adding your own personal touches – paint the front door, plant seasonal flowers, or add a sitting area. Consider the size of the yard and what options you have to make it beautiful.

Popcorn ceilings

  • As long as the structure is strong, popcorn ceilings can be fixed.
  • Hire a ceiling specialist to come and remove the texture before you move in.

Little privacy

  • Are the neighbors a little too close? Create some distance between you and them by planting bushes or hedges.
  • These will give you added privacy, while at the same time increasing the curb appeal of your home.

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