Are You Doing Your Open House Right?

Are You Doing Your Open House Right?

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It is important that you let potential home buyers into your home when it is listed so they can fall in love with it just like you have.  This can be difficult because you are opening up your home for everyone to see and sometimes critique things that they do not like but you may love.  Consider these three open house strategies to help you survive your open house.

Emotional Concerns

You will need to come to terms with the fact that your home is on the market and that you will not be living in it anymore after it sells.  If you do this before listing your home you will be more prepared for the ups and downs of selling your home.  The process can be even harder if you feel you are in a position of being forced to sell your home.  In this case, make sure you talk about these feelings with someone so you do not become too overwhelmed.  Coming to terms with selling your home before listing it can be imperative to making the process easier.

Make it Neutral

When looking at your home, potential buyers don’t want to feel like they are visiting someone’s house.  They want to be able to walk into your home and begin to see ways that they can make it their own.  The best way to do this is to put away all family photos and items that are just taking up space around the house. Paint the walls a neutral color and clean up all areas of the home.  You don’t want people to focus on how dirty the home is instead of the positive aspects. Remember: your home needs to become something you want to sell so you will need to start considering it as a “product.”

Protecting Your Valuables

Letting people into your home can be a scary thing especially if you still have valuables around.  You need to make sure that you put valuables like jewelry and electronics away before allowing people into your home.  Consider putting these things into a safe or taking them out of the house.  It can be tough to think about but not everyone coming into your home can be trusted; you don’t want to regret it in the end.

Hosting an open house is something that you need to do when selling your home.  In order to do it right make sure you come to terms with selling the home and prepare it before allowing people in.

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