How to Handle the Stress of Moving with Kids

How to Handle the Stress of Moving with Kids

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Many couples report that they fight more during a move while couples with a family report that they fight one or two times a week during a move. This is all due to the stress that comes with the moving process and this stress can rub off on the kids, in turn making the move even more difficult. To avoid causing more difficulty in the moving process consider these seven strategies when moving with kids.

Know What You Can’t Compromise On

You will need to make some compromises when choosing your new home but there are some compromises that will not work for your family. Make sure you don’t compromise on these things, so you can make a purchase without having any regrets.

Don’t Overwhelm Kids From the Start

Hiring a babysitter to watch the kids while you tour homes is very important. The kids do not need to see every home that you tour. Instead, it would be more beneficial to only show them the ones you want to buy. They will feel more comfortable with the move if they know where they are moving.

Enlisting Help

You will need help during the moving process. To help make it go quicker ask for help packing and unpacking even if it is just watching the kids while you are able to get these things done.

There are Always Add-ons

You may think that you have created the perfect budget and can afford the cost of the home based on what your lender says, but this will not be the only cost when owning a home. There will be surprises that you will need to fix and pay for which can push you over your budget if you are not prepared.

Visit the Neighborhood

In order to ensure that you will feel comfortable with the neighborhood and that your children will have kids to play in their new home, with make sure you visit the neighborhood a few times. Ask neighborhood-specific questions while touring the home so you can get a better idea if the neighborhood will work for your family.

Doing Things Ahead of Time

You will want to do as much as you can ahead of time. One of the first things you will want to do is to research childcare options for the kids, whether it be daycare or school. This can be a major added stress if you have to handle it last minute.

Take Your Time

You will feel comfortable in your new home even though it may not be right away. Give yourself time to get settled.

Moving into a new area can be overwhelming if you don’t take the time to do it correctly. Make sure you research the area you are moving too and spend your time preparing for the move. When moving with kids, the more prepared you are, the smoother the process can be.

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