Are Home Staging Mistakes Preventing Your Sale?

Are Home Staging Mistakes Preventing Your Sale?

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When selling your home, you work to make sure you do everything you can to sell it as fast as possible. An important element in this process is in making sure you correctly stage your home.  If you are unable to make the investment to pay a professional to stage, make sure you avoid these common DIY home staging mistakes.

Decorating Incorrectly

When decorating your home, you need to make sure you do so in a way that accurately reflects the area and the lifestyle of the home.  If your home located in the mountains make sure it represents this type of lifestyle; it does not make sense to decorate it with a beach theme or with a non-rustic feel.  If your home offers a good view, be sure to take advantage of and highlight the view with good seating in this part of the home.

Choosing to not Declutter

When your home is on the market, you will not only need to make sure you do a big declutter of your home before listing, but also commit to picking things up daily.  Small messes around your home can be distracting (and, in some cases, disgusting) to potential buyers walking through the home.  The most effective way to stay on top of this is to clean up daily so you won’t have to worry about it the day of the showing.  Remember: a cluttered room makes the home look messy, dirty and smaller.

Not the Right Furniture

You have been meaning to get rid of the stained, ripped couch but have been putting it off.  When listing your home, there is no time to procrastinate.  You don’t want that furniture in the home anymore because it will make that space look dirty and old.  To avoid giving off this vibe, try to rent or buy nicer used pieces of furniture.  This small change can drastically change how potential buyers view the space while avoiding a big blow to your budget.

Decorating vs. Staging

When you decorate your home you are personalizing it to your style; when you stage your home, you are de-personalizing it. Potential buyers want to see themselves in your home. However, your taste in furniture or color choices can make it difficult. A neutral color can make your potential homebuyers’ ability to envision themselves living in the home easier.

Staging your home yourself can save you money up front but end up costing you both money and time in the end. If you are doing the staging yourself, make sure to avoid as many home staging mistakes as you can. Covering all of your bases before listing your home can put you in a position for a smooth and quick sale.

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